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Scott Fielding Co-Authors “An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases”

January 2, 2024   |   Aimee Moore

Member Scott Fielding co-authored an article in the January/February 2024 issue of Probate & Property Magazine, a publication of the Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section of the American Bar Association. An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases is an overview of the fundamental concepts governing the inclusion of Opex charges. It examines their typical allocations and structure, distinguishes among categories of Opex charges that are customarily included or excluded in rental payments, and offers advice and practice tips for tenants (and their counsel) to consider in unique scenarios.

Probate & Property Magazine provides lawyers with practical information regarding real estate, wills, trusts, and estate planning.

Fielding’s real estate practice centers on real estate acquisition and development, leasing, title insurance, condominium and condominium associations, and commercial lending.

READ: “An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases

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