Eight Attorneys Named 2022 Attorneys for Justice
Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison proudly announces that eight attorneys have been recognized for their pro bono service in 2022. Earning a spot on the 2022 Attorneys for Justice Pro Bono Honor Roll are Mike Abelow, Dewey Branstetter, Hunter Branstetter, Webb Campbell, Thomas Hall, Bill Harbison, Lisa Helton, and Chris Sabis.
The Tennessee Supreme Court’s Access to Justice Commission makes recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding projects and programs necessary for enhancing access to justice. As a result, it initiates a list of attorneys meeting the Court’s minimum annual goal of 50 pro bono hours. The Tennessee Supreme Court honors these “Attorneys for Justice” annually.
SRVH attorneys have long been committed to providing legal services on a pro bono basis. We believe access to quality representation should not be based on economic status or income.